With 80% of consumers being more likely to buy from a company that provides a tailored experience, shoppers want to be seen, heard, and treated as individuals [1].
Clients eligible to use the Bazaarvoice API, can now access the email address associated with a specific customer’s content submission to turn more buyers into lifelong customers by enriching customer interactions, customer profiles, and workflows outside of the Bazaarvoice platform.
For example:
- Marketers: Include/exclude customers from promotional campaigns based their product rating.
- Customer Service Agents: Understand what customer left a specific review and contact them accordingly.
- E-commerce Managers: Analyze the profiles of customers who rate products poorly vs. positively.
- And more!
Add this new data point to your personalization strategy!
Learn more with this API documentation.
*For any consumer to be added to a promotional campaign or contacted, the appropriate consent must be acquired through an opt-in process when the email address is acquired.
[1] Epsilon, The Power of Me Study